duup - The best HR platform

Find and connect with you HR expert

Diana Y.


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Moisés E.


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Cinthya C.

Recruiting • Consulting

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Carlos R.

Recruiting • Consulting

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Specialized Experts

Experts by sector, location, language, and more. Find the perfect HR Professional for your project.

Contact & Connect

Easily reach out to the expert via e-mail, WhatsApp, or schedule an online appointment and hire directly.

Commission free

Enjoy a commission-free experience! Simply hire the expert for your specific project needs. duup does not generate any commission.

Powerful Tools for HR Professionals

Designed for HR experts, our tools simplify project management, automate workflows, and increase efficiency for on-time delivery.

+2,500 users visit our platform every month

85% of companies that use freelance HR services have seen improved productivity.

60% cost reduction for companies when hiring freelance HR services.

15% growth acceleration for companies by hiring freelancers.

duup: success stories


CEO - Prosit

Freelance services hired: Recruiting and Consulting

duup helped us find the HR expert to design, build, and recruit a sales team in just two weeks.


CEO - Termiz

Freelance service hired: Headhunting

Hiring a headhunter with duup saved us time and resources in the HR area. Flexibility, speed, and guarantee with the new talent.